CYBC Individual Membership Application Form
备注:凡申请加入加拿大青商会(CYBC)的个人,应有至少2 位现任青商会理事作为推荐 人并向青商会提交书面申请,入会申请材料交到青商会秘书处后经常务理事会讨论并批准,即可成为青商会会员。会员需维护青商会团结和声誉,不做有损团结、声誉的事,积极参与青商会 各类活动,如出勤率不足60%均按自动退出处理。对于有损青商会声誉,不积极参与活动的会员,青商会 保留即时除名会员的权利。
Note: Individuals applying for membership in the Canada Youth Business Club (CYBC) should have at least two current Club members as their sponsor and submit an application to CYBC. The application will undergo review and approval by the CYBC Secretariat and executive council. Once approved, applicants will become CYBC members. Members must pay fees promptly, uphold the Club’s reputation, abstain from actions detrimental reputation, and actively engage in Club activities. Failure to maintain a minimum 60% attendance rate will result in automatic revocation of member. CYBC reserves the right to immediately terminate the membership of individuals who harm the Club’s reputation or fail to actively participate in activities.
请将年费 CAD $600 e-transfer 至 emt@canada-youth.com
并将付款凭据和此申请表及个人照片发送至 info@canada-youth.com